Tufts INDDEX Team Members

Jennifer Coates, PhD

Jennifer Coates, PhD

Principal Investigator

Dr. Jennifer Coates is the Principal Investigator of the INDDEX Project and is an Associate Professor at the Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and a Senior Researcher at the Tufts Feinstein International Center. Dr. Coates’ research focuses on the development of methods and metrics for improving the design, implementation, and evaluation of international nutrition and food security programs in both development and humanitarian emergency contexts. In addition to her research and policy engagement, Dr. Coates teaches a range of graduate courses at the Friedman School. To find out more about Dr. Coates' research, visit her faculty page here

Beatrice Rogers, PhD

Beatrice Rogers, PhD

Co-Principal Investigator

Dr. Beatrice Rogers is the Co-Principal Investigator of the INDDEX Project and is a Professor in the Friedman School  of Nutrition Science and Policy. She served as Academic Dean of the School for 13 years, and is currently Director of the school's Food Policy and Applied Nutrition Program. Dr. Rogers has over 30 years of experience promoting evidence-based policy and programs related to food security, food consumption, and nutrition in the developing world. She has been responsible for the design and implementation of national household consumption surveys in several countries, and has conducted many smaller scale surveys of household economic and consumption behaviors. To find out more about Dr. Rogers' research, visit her faculty page here.